Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 17/08/2004

Conferencia "Using Energy Efficiency to Achieve 'Win-Win-Win' Solutions"
Martes 24 de Agosto de 2004 - 17:00hs

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Conferencia del P.E. Scott Rouse
"Using Energy Efficiency to Achieve 'Win-Win-Win' Solutions"

IEEE Power Engineering Society
Programa De Conferencistas Distinguidos


A la luz de los problemas ambientales de la Tierra , uno de los temas importantes en los últimos tiempos es el Uso Racional de la Energía con la consecuente disminución de las emisiones contaminantes. Nuestro país no es ajeno a esta problemática y, desde que se desató la crisis energética, han cobrado mayor importancia el uso eficiente de la energía y la necesidad de desarrollar programas institucionales que favorezcan estos aspectos. IEEE ARGENTINA , interpretando estas necesidades actuales, ha considerado oportuno organizar una Conferencia , que será dictada por Scott Rouse , un especialista en el tema que ha trabajado desarrollando programas exitosos en Canadá y USA.

La conferencia se dictará en idioma Inglés.


Using Energy Efficiency to Achieve “Win -Win-Win” Solutions
* Demand side (Customer competitiveness)
* Supply side (Power sector; generation and ‘wires')
* Society (Everyone ultimately wins, especially with deregulation!)

Energy Efficiency can provide an even greater role within the power industry. This was proven by a unique program that emerged in 1992 to challenge the status quo and delivered results that both Canada and the US recognized in 1999 & 2002. The program produced energy efficiency results across Ontario 's supply chain; Generation, Transmission and Distribution with benefits best described as the “ Triple Bottom Line ”, e.g. ;

- Economic Prosperity : $90 Million/yr in energy savings (competitiveness)
- Environmental Performance : 2.6M Tonnes emission reduction (‘No-regrets')
- Social Responsibility : Leadership : (Able to ‘walk the talk').

This success, industry recognition and leadership helped launch a ‘Canadian Energy Manager Network'. Sharing best practices across sectors reinforced that these benefits were real and essential to succeed in the deregulated market.

Deregulation introduces new challenges. Customers, power sector and regulators must find the new ‘balance', often with conflicting objectives. As distribution, generation and transmission companies are unbundled, fully independent and owned by private investors, the process becomes dynamic and diverse. However, the value and need for the “Triple Bottom Line” benefits are enhanced, despite short term challenges.

Scott Rouse presents striking evidence supporting the emerging ‘energy efficiency economy' with tools, strategies and barriers. Case study examples from the ‘private' and ‘power sector' (generation, transmission an distribution), plus deregulation ‘insights' are included for energy efficiency, clean development mechanisms & policies. Results demonstrate the power of the “triple bottom line'' benefits. Customers, the power industry and society can benefit from leadership, strategy and communication that exist from alliances, partnerships and through sharing successes.

Be prepared to be challenged. Discover your role in this emerging ‘efficient' economy.

We welcome your participation, comments and questions.

This event is sponsored by the Distinguished Lecturer Program of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.



Scott Rouse is an industry leader who champions proactive energy solutions by helping organizations cross the ‘chasm' from the status quo to an enhanced competitive position. Achievement comes from a corporate energy plan that is focused on the proven solutions and 'Triple Bottom Line' benefits of Economic prosperity, o Environmental performance, o Social responsibility, and most recently ‘Enhanced Security '.

Scott achieved North American recognition for developing an energy efficiency program that won Canadian and US EPA Climate Protection Awards through practical and proven solutions. As a published author, Scott has been called to be a keynote speaker across the continent for numerous organizations including the ACEEE, IEEE, EPRI, and Combustion Canada . Scott currently serves as Chair of the Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) - Energy Manager Network and is a professional engineer, holds an M.B.A. and is also a Certified Energy Manager.

Please feel free to do an Internet search on “Scott Rouse” Energy Solutions.


Fecha y Horario
Martes 24 de Agosto de 2004
Horario: 17:00 hs. a 19:00hs

Lugar de realización e Inscripción
Sede de IEEE / Cicomra (Cámara de Informática y Comunicaciones de la República Argentina )
Av. Córdoba 744 2º Piso Of. “D”
C1054AAT Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel: (011) 4325-8839
Fax: (011) 4325-9604



Contacto: Sra. Marta Correa de Castro






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