Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 12/10/2012

IEEE AR BTS - Conferencias sobre Televisión Digital
Rich Chernock - Conferencista Distinguido IEEE Broadcast Technology Society
4 de diciembre de 2012 en el Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires

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El Capítulo Argentino de la IEEE BTS Broadcast Technology Society invita a las conferencias que sobre Televisión Digital brindará el Dr. Rich Chernock, Conferencista Distinguido de la IEEE BTS, el martes 4 de diciembre de 2012, según se detalla a continuación.

Por favor tomar nota del nuevo lugar de realización de esta Conferencia.
La misma tendrá lugar en la Sala II, "Alberto Williams" del segundo piso del Centro Cultural Borges, Galerías Pacífico, Viamonte 525, Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Conferencias sobre Televisión Digital del Dr. Rich Chernock

Lecture 1: DTV technology
Tutorial explaining the inner workings of Digital Television (broadcast, cable, DTH and IPTV), especially in the areas of MPEG-2 Transport, timing and evolution
The core of the broadcast DTV system is based on MPEG-2 transport, with enhancements and constraints added by the higher layer standards – as well as metadata (PSI and SI) that allows the various elements to be discovered and connected.
This tutorial will provide an in-depth refresher overview of the basic transport technologies used for DTV – with a major focus on how the different elements actually work together:
- MPEG-2 Transport Basics – how is the digital data actually encapsulated and carried in the emission transport?
- Signaling Metadata – how do PSI and SI allow the receiver to discover, connect and decode the right information flows to recreate the television program?
- Timing – how does the timing/buffer model allow synchronization to be ensured?
- Evolution – how does DTV poised evolve with technology advances (for example, advances in video codecs)?
The primary aim is to provide a broadcaster with a basic understanding of how all of the system elements work together.

Lecture 2: Connected Television: Relationship to the Broadcaster
Internet Connected televisions are rapidly growing in popularity.
Connecting a television to the Internet allows a range of new capabilities for the viewer – streaming different forms of content, accessing informational services and enhancing television.
However, many of the new capabilities may not benefit the broadcaster – for example, OTT TV (Over-The_Top).
The new functionality enabled by Connected TVs can range from having a strong relationship to a given broadcaster’s content, to a loose relationship with the broadcaster, to no relationship at all with the broadcaster or the broadcaster’s content.
Considerable work is underway in developing ecosystems making use of Connected TVs – both in standards development organizations and proprietary systems.
This presentation will discuss the current state of the worldwide Connected TV environment and highlight what opportunities the different approaches offer the broadcaster in terms of new functionality, as well as some of the difficulties imposed by the delivery infrastructures.

Orador: Rich Chernock
Dr. Chernock is currently Chief Science Officer at Triveni Digital – an LG Electronics Company.
In that position, he is developing strategic directions for monitoring, content distribution and metadata management for emerging digital television systems and infrastructures.
Previously, he was a Research Staff Member at IBM Research, investigating digital broadcast technologies.
Dr. Chernock is active in many of the ATSC, SMPTE and SCTE standards committees, particularly in the areas of mobile DTV, monitoring, metadata, and data broadcast. He is chairman of the Technology Standards Group (TG1) and chairs the Non-Real-Time Services activities within ATSC. He is also the Distinguished Lecturer Chair for IEEE BTS.
In another life, he used transmission electron microscopy to study materials characteristics for advanced ceramics packaging and semiconductor technology at IBM. His ScD was from MIT in the field of nuclear materials engineering.

* Las conferencias se dictarán en idioma inglés.
* Fecha y hora: Martes 4 de Diciembre, 2012, de 18:00 a 21:00
* Lugar: (Nuevo sitio) Sala II, "Alberto Williams" del segundo piso del Centro Cultural Borges, Galerías Pacífico, Viamonte 525, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
* Inscripción: Esta actividad es de acceso libre y gratuito. Agradeceremos inscripción previa, completando el formulario disponible en
- por e-mail a citando 'Conferencia BTS Chernock’, un teléfono de contacto y si es o no socio IEEE
- por teléfono a IEEE/CICOMRA (011) 4325 8839.


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