Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 04/08/2016

IEEE AR * 2016 Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment and Retention Performance
Gold Medal

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El IEEE Membership Recruitment and Recovery Committee distinguió a nuestra Sección Argentina con este  reconocimiento por la labor realizada durante los últimos cuatro años en materia de reclutamiento y retención de la membrecía IEEE.
En lo que va del año sólo 15 Secciones en el mundo han alcanzado las metas establecidas de reclutamiento y retención de membrecía IEEE.
Transcribimos el mensaje de Antonio Luque, Presidente del respectivo Comité IEEE.
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From: Antonio Luque
Date: 2016-06-22 3:53 GMT-03:00
Subject: Congratulations on meeting your goals
To: Pablo F Sanchez

Dear Pablo F Sanchez, Argentina Section Membership Development,

I am pleased to recognize the Argentina Section for meeting both its recruitment and retention goals for the 2016 membership year. Congratulations!

The membership development goals were developed based on your Section's four year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership in the Argentina Section. Your effort in both recruiting and retaining your members is truly making a difference both locally and in the overall growth of IEEE.
In recognition of this achievement, I have attached an image that you can place in your e-mail signature and on your Section website or newsletters, which signifies your outstanding achievement for the 2016 membership year.

Please feel free to share this with other leaders in your Section to recognize the good work you are doing, and to let your members know you are working hard to provide them the best member experience possible.


Antonio Luque
2016 Chair, IEEE Membership Recruitment and Recovery Committee


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