Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 25/10/2013

IEEE AR SSIT - Society on Social Implications of Technology
Formación del Capítulo Argentino - Invitación a participar

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Estamos trabajando para establecer el Capítulo Argentino de la IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology.

Invitamos a los posibles interesados a considerar su asociación a la misma, y al IEEE en caso de no ser aún socios, y a comunicarse con el Ing. Ricardo Taborda, organizador del Capítulo, escribiendo a  si desean apoyar esta iniciativa o por eventuales consultas.

Transcribimos aquí un breve resumen de actividades y áreas de interés de la SSIT.
 Become a member of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) today and start accessing the latest research concerning the effects of technology on people and society, how engineers play a public role, and ethical issues that engineers may face in their careers. Members receive the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, obtain member rates to attend the International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), and access to the Society’s global professional network.
Field of Interest: The effects of technology on people and society, how engineers play a public role, and ethical issues that engineers may face in their careers.

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Desde ya muchas gracias por su participación.


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