Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 24/02/2009

Conferencias IEEE Signal Processing Society
P. Djurić * 6 de abril de 2009

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El Dr. Petar M. Djurić, IEEE Fellow y Conferencista Distinguido de la Signal Processing Society disertará el lunes 6 de abril  en el ITBA, Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, sobre los siguientes temas:
* Simulation and Stochastic Analysis of Complex Biochemical Systems
* The particle filtering methodology in signal processing
Estas conferencias se dictarán en idioma inglés y el acceso a las mismas será sin cargo.

* Simulation and Stochastic Analysis of Complex Biochemical Systems
Life processes and the ways how organisms function boil down to a wide variety of molecular chemical reactions that represent nonlinear time-varying dynamical systems. The intricate networks that describe these systems are very difficult to analyze without computers. For instance, the interactions of molecules encoded within the genome that define the gene regulatory networks, protein interaction networks, or metabolic networks, are often so complex that it is very difficult to identify the structural properties of the networks and their relationship with the cell behavior. Traditionally, the computational approaches for studying biochemical systems have been based on the assumption that the systems are deterministic in nature. It is well known, however, that the modeling of these systems can be improved with stochastic models and that many processes of signal transduction and gene expression can only be analyzed with them. In this talk I present the forward and inverse problems of biochemical systems using the stochastic approach. In particular, I discuss the development of a methodology for simulating a complex system by using the principle of divide and conquer, and I address the estimation of unknowns in the system from limited experimental time series measurements.

* The particle filtering methodology in signal processing
Particle filtering is a Monte Carlo – based methodology for sequential signal processing. It is designed for estimation of hidden processes that are dynamic and that can exhibit most severe nonlinearities. Also, it can be applied with equal ease to problems that involve any type of probability distributions. Therefore, it is not surprising that particle filtering has gained immense popularity. In this talk, first, the basics of particle filtering will be provided with description of its essential steps. Then some important topics of the theory will be addressed including Rao-Blackwellization, smoothing, and estimation of constant parameters.  Finally, a presentation of most recent advances in the theory will be given. The talk will contain signal processing examples which will aid in gaining valuable insights about the methodology.

Petar M. Djurić
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook University, USA
IEEE Fellow and Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer
Petar M. Djurić received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade, in 1981 and 1986, respectively, and his Ph.D. Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Rhode Island, in 1990.
From 1981 to 1986 he was a Research Associate with the Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Vinca, Belgrade. Since 1990 he has been with Stony Brook University, where he is Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He works in the area of statistical signal processing, and his primary interests are in the theory of modeling, detection, estimation, and time series analysis and Monte Carlo – based methods for signal processing. He applies the theory to problems that arise in a wide variety of disciplines including wireless communications, sensor networks, medicine, and biology.
Prof. Djurić has been elected Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society for the period 2008-2009. In 2007, he received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. He has served on numerous technical committees and has been on the editorial boards of various journals. Prof. Djurić is a Fellow of IEEE.

* Fecha y Hora:  Lunes 6 de abril de 2009, de 18:30 a 21:30
* Lugar: ITBA Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, Av. E. Madero 399 esq. Corrientes, Buenos Aires
* Inscripción: Esta actividad es sin cargo, pero se solicita inscribirse previamente vía web, completando el formulario disponible en
Alternativamente, por e-mail a citando 'SP-01 Djuric' o por teléfono a IEEE / CICOMRA (011) 4325 8839.


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