Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 19/08/2024

IEEE WIE - Global Tech Marathon
18 de septiembre de 2024, vía Google Meet

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The IEEE WIE Global Tech Marathon is a day dedicated to hands-on training using select labs from Google Cloud Hero.
You must an IEEE Women in Engineering Student or Graduate Student Member to participate. If you are not a current member of IEEE WIE, JOIN NOW!

The objective of the Global Tech Marathon is to engage the global Student and Graduate Student membership of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE), empowering them with technical skills while concurrently promoting diversity in the world of STEM.
These learning sessions will enhance students’ practical skills and will prove productive and fun.

When: Date: 18 September 2024, Time: 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM, EDT
Approach: Participants will solve selected labs from Google Cloud Hero.
Scope: The top 3 individuals who complete the labs in the shortest time will be deemed winners.
Time Commitment: Introduction to the lab and 4 labs to complete – 2 hours
Eligibility: IEEE WIE student members and graduate student members are eligible to participate.
Prize: 3 winners will receive a $50 gift certificate from Amazon and a certificate from IEEE WIE.
Information & Registration:


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