Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 13/09/2019

IEEE AR EMC - Conferencias de Ihsan Erdin sobre Signal and Power Integrity
25 de noviembre de 2019 en CABA, 26 de noviembre en Córdoba

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El Capítulo Argentino Conjunto de las Sociedades IEEE EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility y APS Antennas and Propagation Society invita a las Conferencias sobre Signal and Power Integrity que ofrecerá el Profesor Ihsan Erdin, Disertante Distinguido IEEE EMC, en las ciudades de Buenos Aires y Córdoba,.
Completando su gira técnica por Sudamérica con el auspicio de la Sociedad IEEE EMC, el Profesor Erdin también disertará el 29 de noviembre en Sao Paulo, Brasil.

Información preliminar sobre las Conferencias del Profesor Erdin

* Lunes 25 de noviembre de 2019 en CABA (FIUBA, 3er piso, aula a confirmar)
* Martes 26 de noviembre de 2019 en Córdoba (lugar a confirmar)

Signal and Power Integrity.

Although signal and power integrity practices are as old as the digital design itself, unlike SI, PI still remains as an elusive concept in the eyes of industrial circles.
One reason is the cause-and effect relation in PI analysis hasn’t been firmly established in practical applications. For example, with SI analysis, a logic failure can be traced to a noise threshold violation.
PI analysis, on the other hand, hardly points out to a smoking gun with the same rigor.
Starting from a qualitative and descriptive introduction of power noise fundamentals, the current analysis techniques for printed circuit structures will be reviewed and some recent developments including a novel interpretation of the effective radius of a decoupling capacitor and multipin optimization of capacitors will be presented on sample cases.

Ihsan Erdin
In the last 20 years, Ihsan Erdin worked as a signal and power integrity engineer at Nortel and Celestica where he contributed in the development and design analysis of dozens of data communication circuits and systems.
 In addition to his current position at Celestica, he is an adjunct faculty member at the Electronics Department of Carleton University.
He also serves as a member of Signal and Power Integrity Technical Committee (TC-10) of IEEE EMC Society.
His research interests are analytical and computational electromagnetic methods with application to printed and integrated circuits.
He authored numerous technical publications and delivered more than a dozen Distinguished Lecturer talks in European and North American EMC Chapters since his assignment to this position.
Ihsan is a member of the Professional Engineers Ontario, a senior member of IEEE and holds a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering.


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