El Capítulo Argentino de la IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) tiene el agrado de anunciar las Conferencias de los Dres. Paulo Diniz y Juan Cousseau, que se realizarán en Buenos Aires y Córdoba según el detalle siguiente. Las mismas cuentan con el auspicio del Programa de Conferencistas Distinguidos de la SPS.

Conferencias del Martes 9 de Noviembre en Buenos Aires
+ 'Filtrado Adaptativo IIR: Teoria y Aplicaciones en Telecomunicaciones'
Dr. Juan E. Cousseau
+ 'Multicarrier Communication Systems: Tutorial, New Results, Current Applications and Future Trends'
Dr. Paulo S. R. Diniz

Lugar de Realización
Auditorio IEEE/CICOMRA - Av. Córdoba 744 P1-B - Ciudad de Buenos Aires

18:00 a 18:30 hs - Acreditación
18:30 a 19:45 hs - Conferencia del Dr. Cousseau (en español)
19:45 a 20:00 hs - Café
20:00 a 21:15 hs - Conferencia del Dr. Diniz (en inglés)

Esta actividad no es arancelada.
Para facilitar la organización, solicitamos inscribirse previamente enviando un mensaje por correo electrónico a conf-sps-ba@ieee.org.ar

Conferencia del Jueves 11 de Noviembre en Cordoba (*)
+ 'Adaptive Filtering in Communication Systems'
Dr. Paulo S. R. Diniz

Lugar de Realización
U. N. de Córdoba, Ciudad de Córdoba
La locación exacta se informará a la brevedad.

18:00 a 20:30 hs. (*)

Esta actividad no es arancelada.
Para facilitar la organización, solicitamos inscribirse previamente enviando un mensaje por correo electrónico a conf-sps-cba@ieee.org.ar


Información Adicional

+ Dr. Juan E. Cousseau
Juan E. Cousseau se graduó de Ingeniero Electricista en 1982 en la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina). MSc. (1989). PhD. (1993) en la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
Es Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad Nacional del Sur desde 1994 y responsable del Laboratorio de Procesamiento de Señales y Comunicaciones. Desde 1995 es Investigador Asociado del CONICET, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina desde 1995.
Es Senior Member IEEE desde 2000. Fue miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, como Vicepresidente para la Región 9 (Latinoamérica) en 2000/2001. Fue el organizador del Capítulo Argentino de la IEEE Circuits and Systems Society y Presidente del mismo (1997/99 y desde 2002).
Sus áreas de investigación son: procesamiento adaptativo de señales, problemas de cancelación de interferencias y algoritmos de ecualización y detección para diversas aplicaciones.

+ Resumen de la Conferencia del Dr. Cousseau
'Filtrado Adaptativo IIR: Teoria y Aplicaciones en Telecommunicaciones'
Aplicaciones mediante algoritmos de filtrado adaptativo.
Desventajas y limitaciones del Filtrado adaptativo FIR.
Filtrado adaptativo IIR con polos fijos. Filtrado Adaptativo de Laguerre y Kautz.
Algoritmos generales para filtrado adaptativo: minimización de la salida por cuadrados mínimos, Steglitz-McBride, Error de ecuación, filtrado adaptativo hiperestable. Implementaciones eficientes.
Filtrado adaptativo IIE de ranura: implementación en forma directa, implementación de grilla normalizada en cascada de ranura. Resultados y posibilidades de seguimiento.

+ Dr. Paulo S. R. Diniz
Paulo S. R. Diniz received the Electrical Engineering degree from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1978, the M.Sc. degree from COPPE/UFRJ in 1981, and the Ph.D. from Concordia University, Montreal, PQ, Canada, in 1984, all in electrical engineering.
Since 1979, he has been with the undergraduate Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering at the UFRJ. He has also been with the graduate program of Electrical Engineering at COPPE/UFRJ since 1984, where he is presently a Professor. He served as undergraduate course coordinator and as Chairman of the graduate department. He is one of the three senior researchers and coordinators of the Brazilian National Excellence Center in Signal Processing. He has received the Rio de Janeiro State Scientist Award from the Governor of Rio de Janeiro State, and the Distinguished Research Scientist Award from COPPE/UFRJ (2002).
From January 1991 to July 1992, he was a visiting Research Associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. In 2002, he served as Melchor Endowment Chair Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. He also holds a Docent position at Helsinki University of Technology, and has taught short courses at numerous institutions around the world. His teaching and research interests are in analog and digital signal processing, adaptive signal processing, digital communications, wireless communications, multirate systems, stochastic processes, and electronic circuits. He has published around 200 refereed papers in some of these areas and wrote the books: Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical Implementation (Kluwer Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2002) and Digital Signal Processing: System Analysis and Design (Cambridge Press) with E.A.B. da Silva and S.L. Netto.
Dr. Diniz is a Fellow of IEEE. His IEEE and Signal Processing Society activities are as follows: Member, Steering Committee of the Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) (1989-1998); Technical Program Chair, 1995 MWSCAS held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Technical Committee member of several international conferences including ISCAS, ICECS, EUSIPCO and MWSCAS; Circuits and Systems Society (CAS) Vice President, Region 9; and Chairman, CAS DSP Technical Committee. He has served as associate editor for the following Journals: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing (1996-99); IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (1999-2002); and the Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing Journal (1998-2002). He was a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2000-2001) and is serving as distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2004.

+ Resumenes de las Conferencias del Dr. Diniz
'Multicarrier Communication Systems: Tutorial, New Results, Current Applications and Future Trends'
Multicarrier modulation methods play a key role in modern data transmission channels with severe and moderate intersymbol interference.
The key idea behind the success of this technique is the partition of a physical channel in non-overlapping narrowband subchannels through a transmultiplexer.
If the subchannels are narrow enough, the associated channel response in each subchannel frequency range appears to be flat avoiding the use of equalizers. In addition, the subchannel division allows, whenever possible, the exploitation of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the different subbands in order to manage the dataload in each subchannel. Typically, subchannels with high SNR utilize high-order modulation whereas in subchannels with moderate SNR lower order modulation should be used. On the other hand, subchannels with severe interference are not used for data transmission.
Such schemes are employed in a number of high speed digital subscriber line (xDSL) systems and many other applications.

In this talk we present the basic concepts of multicarrier communications and their application in broadcast and point-to-point communication systems. The presentation includes a description of multicarrier modulation as a Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) system. The MIMO description is employed as the common framework among multiple antennas, multicarrier and multiuser communication systems.

A critical component of the multicarrier systems is the filter-bank based transmultiplex (TMUX). The ideal situation requires the design of highly selective filter banks to avoid crosstalk between subchannels, and that the subfilters frequency responses are narrow enough such that channel response in each subband appears to be flat.

This lecture will discuss how filter-bank based multicarrier techniques help to increase system capacity and provide multiple access. Examples include OFDM, DMT, DWMT, CDMA, and TDMA systems. We will discuss the redundancy that must be introduced in the transmitted block of symbols in order to achieve zero-forcing (ZF) equalization with time-invariant and time-varying FIR filter banks and their application in single and multiple access systems.
For example, in OFDM and DMT systems the minimum redundancy is equal to the channel order. If a criterion other than ZF is adopted, redundant symbols are not necessary, even though their introduction could improve system performance. We will provide an overview of filter-bank based multicarrier techniques and show what is the minimum  redundancy that should be introduced in the transmitter block.

In addition, we will show how to optimize the transmitter and receiver FIR MIMO system in the presence of far- and near-end crosstalk and additive noise.

During the presentation, as we introduce the concepts, the current and future applications are discussed.

'Adaptive filtering in Communication Systems'
Adaptive systems are employed in a number current communication applications.
This lecture aims to expose the basic concepts of adaptive signal processing using a unified framework and with emphasis on learning by trying. A set of programs are provided in order to allow the audience to try the algorithms in different setups. The content of the lecture(s) can vary according to the interest of the attendees and can cover with more emphasis on any topics among those listed below.

Available Topics:
1. An Introduction to adaptive signal processing.
2. Wiener filtering, Newton's algorithm and steepest descent algorithm.
3. Least-mean-squares (LMS) method, Transform-Domain LMS, Sign LMS, Normalized, Binormalized LMS, and Affine projection algorithms.
4. Data-Selective and  Data-Reusing  Adaptive Filtering  
5. Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering.
6. Adaptive system Applications.

Based on the book: Paulo S. R. Diniz, 'ADAPTIVE FILTERING: Algorithms and Practical Implementation', Kluwer Academic Publishers, Second Edition 2002.

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