El Capítulo Argentino de la Sociedad de Procesamiento de Señales del Instituto de Ingenieros en Electricidad y Electrónica (IEEE) tiene el agrado de invitar a Ud. a la Conferencia  "EFFICIENT REMEZ ALGORITHMS FOR THE DESIGN OF NONRECURSIVE FILTERS"  a cargo del Dr. Andreas Antoniou, que, con el auspicio del Programa de Conferencistas Distinguidos de la IEEE Signal Processing Society y de CICOMRA (Cámara de Informática y Comunicaciones de la República Argentina), se realizará el proximo MARTES 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2003, de 18:30 a 20:30 horas, en la sede de IEEE / CICOMRA, Av. Córdoba 744 Piso 2 D, Capital Federal - TE 4325-8839.




One of the most important methods for the design of nonrecursive (FIR) filters is the so-called weighted- Chebyshev method. The weighted-Chebyshev method is very flexible and can be used to obtain optimal solutions for most   types  of  nonrecursive filters. Furthermore, it can be used to design filters with arbitrary amplitude responses. In common with other optimization methods, the weighted-Chebyshev method requires a large amount of computation. Although the cost of computation is becoming progressively cheaper and cheaper with time, the large amount of computation required by the Remez algorithm is an impediment that restricts the application of the weighted-Chebyshev method to off-line non real time applications. The lecture will investigate the causes of high computational complexity and, in turn, will describe techniques and procedures developed by the author that can be used to reduce the amount of computation.


Dr. Andreas Antoniou

University of Victoria, Canada  
Miembro del Programa de Conferencistas Distinguidos de la IEEE Signal Processing Society.



Andreas Antoniou received the B.Sc. (Eng. Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of London in 1963 and 1966, respectively. He served as founding Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer  Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, from July 1, 1983 to June 30, 1990 and is now Professor at the same  department.
His teaching and research interests are in the areas of electronics, network synthesis, digital system design, active and digital filters, and digital signal processing. One of his papers on gyrator circuits was awarded the Ambrose Fleming Premium by the Institution of  ectrical Engineers, UK.

He is the author of Digital Filters: Analysis, Design, and Applications published by McGraw-Hill Book Co. and the co-author with W.S. Lu of Two-Dimensional Digital Filters published by Marcel Dekker.



Fecha y lugar de realización:

Martes 4 de noviembre de 2003 - de 18:30 a 20:30 hs.

Sede CICOMRA / IEEE. El acceso a la Conferencia es libre y gratuitio

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